CaseCiter Digests

CaseCiter Digests
CaseCiter Supreme Court Monthly Digests 2025💡Our Monthly Digest of January 2025 will be published on or before first Sunday of February 2025 (1 February 2025).2025 INSC - CaseCiterCaseCiterCaseCiterCaseCiterCaseCiter Supreme Court Monthly Digests 2024December 20242024 INSC 918-1046December 2024.pdf929 KBdownload-circleNovember 20242024 INSC 827-917November 2024.pdf677 KBdownload-circleOctober 20242024 INSC 750-826October

What Is CaseCiter?

From 1 January 2024, our team of lawyers and law students have been making notes of each and every Supreme Court judgments. We collate all these notes and publish it as a digest every month. This means, CaseCiter is a collection of our notes on Supreme Court judgments since 2024. We publish it as a monthly digest in a PDF format and share it with our subscribers on or before the first Sunday of every month.

Why should you subscribe?

The Supreme Court delivers about 80 judgments every month. Some judgments may be over 50 pages and some others may be just 5 pages. If you collect all judgments of a month in a pdf file, it might go over 1000 pages, if not much more. Our team reads each judgment delivered by the Supreme Court and makes notes on them. Put together, our monthly digest may be just below 100 pages. But we ensure that you get the essence of every relevant aspect of all Supreme Court judgments.

What is the subscription charge?

If you subscribe now by paying ₹365, your subscription validity is for 365 days from now.

During this period, you can access all our previous Monthly Digests (PDF) covering Supreme Court judgments from January 2024. We will continue sending you our monthly digests(pdf) until your subscription expires.

We are providing these add-ons to our subscribers, even though these are not part of our subscription plan:

  1. Free access to where you can read our notes on latest SC judgments.
  2. Free email alerts through Substack.

You need not pay anything extra for this add-ons until your subscription expires. We might charge extra for these add-ons later during renewal.

How will you access digests?

You will be added to a Whatsapp group where we will be sharing monthly digests on or before the first Sunday of each month. To access our archives, you can sign in and scroll down here.