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Does CaseCiter report all SC judgments?

Yes. We report all Supreme Court judgments which are given neutral citations - reportable and non reportable. For the judgments which discusses legal aspects, we make notes of all possible legal angles.

We also cover some Supreme Court orders. However, since there is no systematic dissemination of such orders through SCI website, we may miss some orders.

Why neutral citations are not mentioned in some posts?

We mention neutral citations of all judgments. However, the Supreme Court does not give neutral citations to some orders passed by it. We report such orders also. Obviously we cannot give neutral citations to them because they don't have it.

Why posts are not in a chronological orders of neutral citations?

We make notes of Supreme Court judgments as and when they are made available on the SCI website. We publish our notes on CaseCiter.com on the same day. Sometimes, Supreme Court uploads a judgment belatedly and this is the reason why our posts are not in a chronological order of neutral citations. However, in our Monthly Digests, we ensure that it is arranged chronologically.

Are these notes AI Generated?

No. We (some humans - a small team of lawyers and law students) read every judgments and make notes ourselves and upload it in this website manually. We do not use any AI tool for that since we love reading judgments.

Search Option issues?

Through this website, users can currently search using case names and neutral citations. We are currently building tags so that users can search specific laws and topics and find cases related to it. Free text search is not possible through this website and we suggest you all to use indiankanoon.org for that purpose.